Experience and Jobs

Hi everyone, sorry for the long hiatus. I need to get better at this, but life has been hectic the past few months. I wanted to write about a subject where I think everyone has stumbled upon in this day and age. 

When you’re job searching, the main thing that pops up is almost every company wanting 2-3 years of experience in said work, or prior experience, etc. now the problem I’ve been seeing with that is that almost 85-90% of companies in that same industry want experience beforehand. My main concern is, how is someone supposed to get that experience if nobody will allow them to get it? If every place you look at wants 2-3 years of experience, how are you going to work your way up to get that experience if nobody will give you a chance? 

Training is essential in any job or career nowadays, no matter what. Even if you’ve had experience in a previous job, every company operates differently and has different policies. Also, it never hurts to learn. Learning is a good thing and it helps you grow, so proper training is the key to success.

By no means am I an expert in job searching, etc and these are solely my opinions. I just feel that nowadays, it’s harder and harder to get the experience that every employer wants because nobody wants to give you a chance.

Pure Excitement.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. The past week or two has been a whirlwind for me.. until today. I got some awesome news!

After three long, grueling and stressful months, I can finally say that I’m going back to work!!!! I’m so excited and I’m over the moon happy. The emotional roller coaster that got me here was a bumpy one.

When you get a “no” in life, don’t get discouraged. God is just protecting you from something you cannot see. “Rejection is God’s protection.” is one of my favorite quotes. I kept getting discouraged when I kept getting no after no when I was interviewing. At the time, it hurts. Nobody wants to hear those two letters. Sometimes when I was getting wrapped up in my thoughts, I forgot to stop and think that everything happens for a reason. I was just being directed to something better.

Patience is something that you are always learning in life. It’s one of the things that I don’t have. I hate waiting. I’m a go-getter. When something is presented to me, I want to go for it full force right away. I found out quickly that, it doesn’t work that way. It seems that no matter what you are going to have be patient.

There’s always darkness before the light. If you’re stressing over something or going through a bad time, just remember that it will pass. There is always sunshine after the rain.

During this past week, when I went to the interview for the position I just got today, I was told that they wanted to go ahead and move forward with the background and drug test. I was ecstatic. However, the ride to get to this point was bumpy. I went and did my drug test the next morning. I had no worry that I was going to pass either, however, the waiting was the brutal part. In that meantime, I kept having thoughts of what if something happens, what if he ever changed his mind, etc. It was brutal.

Not to mention, on Wednesday he informed me that the lab didn’t get my drug test. What?! That’s something you don’t hear happen often. I sent him a copy of the form right away and he forwarded it off to them. Today comes by and I’m ready to re-take it. I was thinking there was no way that it could be found. But they found it.

Hearing that news immediately turned my day around. I got the official offer today and will be starting work on Monday, and I can’t be any more excited!!!
Moral of the story here is. Don’t ever lose hope and don’t ever give up on something that you believe in. It was rough getting here, but I learned so much about myself and about the process. Always be thankful and always count your blessings.

Have a great holiday season with your loved ones! Remember to cherish those moments. xoxo

Feeling hopeless.

Today, I’m back to square one. I recently just had another job interview where I had hope that things would change and I would actually be going back to work again, but it was the opposite. I randomly checked my e-mail and found another rejection letter. The worst feeling about job searching is getting false hope. You get an offer to interview and you think to yourself, “could I possibly get this job?” And you have hope again, only to have it destroyed when you find out you didn’t get an opportunity to move on with the interviewing process. 

The worst part of it is, having to start all over again. Having to job search again, apply again, waiting for a response if any, interviewing again, and waiting, waiting and more waiting. The process is so redundant and I just hate having to go through it again and sometimes you can’t help but feel hopeless.

The only thing keeping me sane is knowing that everything happens for a reason, and that often times “no” means that God is protecting you from something you can’t see. Although, sometimes you can’t help but think to yourself, okay so I didn’t get this one either.. what’s next?? That’s a question that nobody knows but God, and that’s where having faith and trust in Him comes in. 

I’ve spent today thinking and pouting and moping around the house, but at the end of the day that’s not going to change anything. I just have to have faith that eventually things will work out the way it’s supposed to, and I’ll be where I’m meant to be. I know that whenever it happens I’m gonna think back to this time and be glad that the jobs that I wanted now said no and I’ll know the exact reason why.

Job hunting..

I feel like one of the most dreadful things in life is job hunting. You see a job you think you’re interested in, apply, and then wait sometimes days or weeks to hear an answer back. If you get asked to interview, you give it your all and then wait again after that to find out if you were selected or not, and if you don’t, you have to start the process all over again.

For me, patience is my worst enemy. If I see something I’m interested in, I want to get started right away and get in and learn as much as I can. The job search is mainly all about patience, and it’s probably something I’m being forced to learn right now as I’m waiting for a job offer.

The worst part is, after you get turned down several times, it starts to seem like you’re getting nowhere at all, and nobody wants you, and sometimes I can’t help but think that. Then, I snap out of it and tell myself that the right job will find its way to me, and things are going to work out in the end. They always do. And that’s what gets me through it.

If any of you are going through the same thing, we’re going through it together so don’t feel alone. What’s meant to be will be, and I believe that we are going to be back at work soon doing what the universe feels is right for us.

Find your passion. 

Passion, what is it? Why is it so important to find it? 

I’m sure when we were in elementary school,  at one point said we either wanted to become a scientist, go to the moon, or become famous. Of course, in that point of our lives we had no idea what we wanted to do or what we are going to do growing up. For me, even going through middle school and high school and after graduating, I had no idea what my calling was. I didn’t even think about it. I was always playing with electronics and tech gadgets at the time, but I didn’t think too much of it. It was pretty much a hobby. 

When I graduated high school, things hit me that I would actually have to start working and entering the world of adulthood. I remember sitting down and not having a clear picture of what I was going to do. Was I going to go to college? Find a job? No idea. 

I remember getting my first job a few months later at McDonald’s. I mean, we all have to start somewhere, right? Even some of the most famous celebrities now started off a fast food joint or retail, etc. Anyways, it hit me after being there for a year that something needed to change. So, I looked into some career programs at my local community college. For some reason, cosmetology looked interesting. I remember always being fascinated by makeup, hair, etc and wondering how it all worked.

Once I enrolled and got accepted, I was pretty excited but I had no idea what I was getting myself into. It was a year long course, with insane credit hours you had to meet and lots of homework, labs, etc. I had moments where I would cry in the bathroom. It was probably one of the toughest things I’ve ever done. On top of that, it wasn’t something I was passionate about. I was only interested in it, and wanted to take it so I won’t have any regrets down the road. 

Now don’t get me wrong, I learned a lot in that year, but it won’t be something that you’ll see me doing. And that’s fine. We all go through that. I just know that I won’t be looking back and thinking “man I wish I would’ve tried that”. I did and now I know it’s not for me. 

Anyways, I’m pretty much rambling and getting a little off track here. Pretty much, finding your passion is important in life. If you haven’t found it  yet, you will. It’s just like when someone says when you meet someone special, you just know. That’s how passion is too. It’s something inside of you that ignites your fire and you just love it so much that you can’t see yourself being happy doing anything else. It just gets you. It’s an amazing feeling. 

You don’t want to go to work hating your job everyday. Sadly, a lot of people do. You have to find something that you love and that you don’t mind doing everyday. Something that you don’t even call work. I have to say I LOVE that I’m back in the tech field where I belong. It was a crazy 3 months finding work and not knowing what kind of job I was going to get next, but knowing that this is where I’m meant to be doing what I love to do is the best feeling in the world and I hope you will have that same experience too.