Find your passion. 

Passion, what is it? Why is it so important to find it? 

I’m sure when we were in elementary school,  at one point said we either wanted to become a scientist, go to the moon, or become famous. Of course, in that point of our lives we had no idea what we wanted to do or what we are going to do growing up. For me, even going through middle school and high school and after graduating, I had no idea what my calling was. I didn’t even think about it. I was always playing with electronics and tech gadgets at the time, but I didn’t think too much of it. It was pretty much a hobby. 

When I graduated high school, things hit me that I would actually have to start working and entering the world of adulthood. I remember sitting down and not having a clear picture of what I was going to do. Was I going to go to college? Find a job? No idea. 

I remember getting my first job a few months later at McDonald’s. I mean, we all have to start somewhere, right? Even some of the most famous celebrities now started off a fast food joint or retail, etc. Anyways, it hit me after being there for a year that something needed to change. So, I looked into some career programs at my local community college. For some reason, cosmetology looked interesting. I remember always being fascinated by makeup, hair, etc and wondering how it all worked.

Once I enrolled and got accepted, I was pretty excited but I had no idea what I was getting myself into. It was a year long course, with insane credit hours you had to meet and lots of homework, labs, etc. I had moments where I would cry in the bathroom. It was probably one of the toughest things I’ve ever done. On top of that, it wasn’t something I was passionate about. I was only interested in it, and wanted to take it so I won’t have any regrets down the road. 

Now don’t get me wrong, I learned a lot in that year, but it won’t be something that you’ll see me doing. And that’s fine. We all go through that. I just know that I won’t be looking back and thinking “man I wish I would’ve tried that”. I did and now I know it’s not for me. 

Anyways, I’m pretty much rambling and getting a little off track here. Pretty much, finding your passion is important in life. If you haven’t found it  yet, you will. It’s just like when someone says when you meet someone special, you just know. That’s how passion is too. It’s something inside of you that ignites your fire and you just love it so much that you can’t see yourself being happy doing anything else. It just gets you. It’s an amazing feeling. 

You don’t want to go to work hating your job everyday. Sadly, a lot of people do. You have to find something that you love and that you don’t mind doing everyday. Something that you don’t even call work. I have to say I LOVE that I’m back in the tech field where I belong. It was a crazy 3 months finding work and not knowing what kind of job I was going to get next, but knowing that this is where I’m meant to be doing what I love to do is the best feeling in the world and I hope you will have that same experience too.